Circular compass in gilded and silvered brass resting on a square gilded brass plate entirely engraved with acanthus leaves and scrolls.
The blued steel needle has a brass pivot that can be locked by a small system.
The bottom of the compass is engraved with the 4 cardinal points and an arrow indicating the magnetic declination at approximately 12° West. The whole thing is covered in glass.
The back of the instrument is unengraved, revealing two screws that hold the compass in place.
Dimensions of the dial : 6.7 cm x 6.7 cm x 1.3 cm; of the case : 8.3 cm x 8.5 cm x 2.2 cm.
With its shaped case.
Made in Germany circa 1730.
Reference : D ex VD 15
Price and additional photos on request.
Also discover many more sundials and equinoxial rings in the dedicated section of our French website : « Cadrans solaires en argent et laiton ».